The APY exchange program, carried out in July to the Indigenous community Amata in SA, was an experience like no other that I have had before. It was enriching in so many facets through learning about Indigenous health, customs, culture and the way of life of children growing up in this community.
Waking up in Amata every morning provided us with a great sense of perspective- not only were we met with a spectacular sunset, it allowed us to see the simple joys that kids in this community experience through bike riding, playing pool, basketball and engaging with us in doctor dress ups, handwashing, healthy eating and arts and crafts activities.
Being involved with these young people for 5 days, forming bonds with them and learning about Indigenous culture and language through them, made me have a greater appreciation into the importance of reducing the disparities in healthcare outcomes for Indigenous patients.
This experience sparked a deeper passion for both rural healthcare and Indigenous healthcare for me and I would return to the APY lands in a heartbeat!